Akins Dodge Jeep Chrysler

Stock Your Car for a Road Trip

Are you thinking of taking a spring road trip? There is so much to do before leaving, including getting your vehicle a tune-up, making travel plans and packing. You may be busy, but don?t forget to stock your car with essential items you may need in an emergency. Here are some essential items to include in your ?emergency car kit?

1. Flashlight. Today we rely on our cell phones for everything, but what happens if the battery is low or worse dies? Having a flash light on hand can help you look under your hood to see if a belt has broken, but also a flash light is good to help find hidden keys and cell phones. Be sure to pack extra batteries.

2. First aid kit. If you are involved in a minor accident it would be nice to have on hand band-aids, gauze, alcohol, antibiotic cream and over the counter pain relievers.

3. Reflectors. Breaking down is bad but not having reflectors behind the car to alert any passing cars could turn a minor breakdown into a major breakdown.

4. Fire extinguisher. When you?re dealing with combustibles like gas, a small fire can grow quickly.

5.Water bottles. Not only will this quench your thirst, water can also be used to add to a radiator if your car overheats.

6. Tool kit. A basic tool kit can be a life saver if you break down. This kit could include screwdrivers, pliers, duct tape and a small knife.

7. Jumper cables. If you car battery dies these can get you back on the road quickly, just make sure when you hook them up that you know what your doing. Follow instructions.

8. Spare tire. Having a spare tire is essential to all drivers but knowing how to change it is vital. Be sure you have a jack, tire iron or wrench to be able to change your tire. Reflectors can come in handy at this time.

Being prepared is the main key here. Be sure to always restock items you may have used in your emergency kit.